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Our Company

After establishing our production unit in Goa, we set up another unit at Durgapur (Industrial City) in the state of West Bengal, which has made our total production capacity as 23,400 metric tonnes of low / medium Carbon Silico Manganese. This is a kind of exclusive alloy product used for producing Stainless Steel all over the globe.
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Contact Us
Unit-I: Expired Expired-Expired, (Expired) Unit-II: 89, Mouza Waria Road, Angadpur, Durgapur-713215 West Bengal. Phone: (0832) 2763401, 2763539, 2764312.Fax: (0832) 2763264
Email: bsrinivasa@karthikgroup.com, srinivasabhupal@gmail.com, karthikalloysunit1@yahoo.co.in.